A Masterpiece by Other Hands
One day you wake up and question how you got here. There are so many opinions that we let shape us for so long, that eventually we look in the mirror and don't recognize ourselves. It is so easy to let the fear of disapproval, the weight of perfection, and the voices of everyone around us impact the person we become. A Masterpiece by Other Hands follows the journey of a young woman who loses sight of who she is in the pursuit of making everyone around her happy - and the path she takes to find herself again. This is a book of self love, of growth, and learning to find your own voice in a sea of everyone else's.
My book can be purchased online on Amazon:
The Daylight Plays Tricks on Us.
The Daylight Plays Tricks on Us explores the opposing thoughts we all experience as complex human beings. The pages shift between day and night, reflecting a change in emotion from hopeful to self-critical as the sun goes down. The darker poems center on feelings of grief, loss, and anxiety, with the daylight bringing experiences of love, adventure, and self-discovery. This repeating pattern explores the depths of one's mind and how easily it can switch from doubt to security, from fear to bravery, and from brokenness to strength - reminding us all that even in the darkest of nights, light will find us by morning.
My book can be purchased online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble:
Proud of You.
A collection of essays that delves deep into the layers of loss, grief, and growth. Upon learning of her mother's diagnosis, Julie is faced with not only coming to terms with her mother's death sentence, but also with the depths to which it has impacted their relationship. A poignant story that questions our ability to deal with grief, and more importantly ourselves in times of loss. It is a vulnerable and exposing piece that reveals moments of regret, sadness, anger, and even happiness in the pursuit of healing. Only in questioning the power of memory and it's ability to heal or break us, is she truly able to rebuild the relationship with her mom that had long since been forgotten.
You can purchase my book online at Amazon: